Young Black People’s Mental Wealth Fund


Apply for the Young Black People's Mental Wealth Fund

Young Black People’s Mental Wealth Fund 

We are proud to launch the Young Black People’s Mental Wealth Fund 

Do you want to be involved in supporting young black people’s mental wealth City and Hackney? 

Get up to £10,000 for organisations that are building mental wealth for young black people in City and Hackney and aim to achieve resilience and success in creating their mental wealth. 

We will fund around 6 projects a total of £50,000 from Hackney CVS in partnership with Population Health Hub programme MATCH. Applications must meet the priorities of the Young Black People’s Mental Wealth Fund (YBPMW). We will support projects that: 

  • Address the obstacles experienced by young black people to having mental wealth. 
  • Support young black people to achieve resilience and success in their mental wealth. 
  • Embody an ecological and village approach, rather than an individual one, to supporting the mental wealth of young black people.  
  • Have a lived experience approach to supporting the mental wealth of young black people. 

 YBPMW will offer organisations funding across two grant streams, these are:  

  • Unregistered organisations* – £3,000 
  • Registered organisation* – £10,000 

Applications can be made between 7th June and 11:59 pm on 24th June 2024. 

To support applicants on their journey, we will host group Funding insight sessions. The sessions will be held on:

11th June – Register here 

17th June – Register here

For support applying please book an appointment with the Hackney CVS organisational development team (link here). 

What is the Match Programme? 

eMbedding heAlth equiTy (MATCH) is a programme of work being carried out by the Population Health Hub that brings statutory and health care system partners, VCS organisations and residents together to improve equity and health outcomes for communities impacted by health inequalities and make system change. 

What we mean by mental wealth? 

Mental health includes emotional, psychological and social wellbeing, affecting an individual’s thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Through consultation with young people, the term mental wealth was used to ensure a focus was placed on the positive strategies and things individuals can learn about themselves to have good mental wellbeing. 

Thank you City and Hackney Population Health Hub!
The Young Black People’s Mental Wealth Fund is funded by City and Hackney Population Health Hub. We are grateful for this opportunity to put the community in the lead and test out the community developed anti-racist commissioning principles.

Click here for the City and Hackney Population Health Hub slidedeck detailing how they are improving the health of the local population.

How you can be involved:

  • Apply for the fund
  • Be a trusted host organisation for an un-constituted group who wants to apply for funding
  • Be a decision maker (panel member)

Key Information (see below):  

Apply for the fund

YBPMW – Guidance

YBPMW Fund – Assessment process


YBPMW – Budget sheet

YBPMW fund – Questions and Scoring Criteria

YBPMW – Conditions of grant

Please click here to apply for the fund!

Trusted Host organisation

YBPMW – Call for Trusted Host Organisations

YBPMW – Trusted Host Organisations guidance

Please click here to apply to be a trusted host organisation!

Decision makers

Decision Maker – Role Description for Young black peoples Mental Wealth Fund

YBPMW Fund – DP Code of conduct

YBPMW Fund – DP Conflict of Interest

YBPMW Fund – Grant Panel Scoring Sheet

Please click here to apply to be a decision maker!

Decision maker deadline: Thursday 20th June 1pm


If you need any of these documents sent to you in a screen reader accessible format please let us know by emailing 

For more information please contact

For further information about our anti-racist commissioning work please click here