
Space to rent

The Hackney CVS office is a friendly and diverse community hub. Alongside Hackney CVS, the office space hosts three other organisations:

  • African Community School
  • Support When it Matters

Just five minutes from Dalston Junction station, the building offers a range of light, affordable and well-appointed rooms for hire, for both occasional meetings as well as regular office and desk spaces.

All rooms have been recently re-decorated and have wi-fi access, air conditioning and use of a lovely garden.

Conference room

If you would like to find out more, please contact delia@hcvs.org.uk or phone 020 7923 1962.

Hackney CVS is open to members on Monday to Fridays, from 9.30am-5.30pm.

Members can use the resources area, and receive up to 30 copies of printing and book to use the small meeting room – all at no cost. Membership is free, and groups can sign up here.

"I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thanks for all your hard work and support - your team has always been willing to accommodate our needs"

Karthiga Kulendran, Peabody Trust