

List of funding opportunities

Home Instead Charities
This fund is for small grassroots community groups and small local registered charities providing activities and projects to prevent social isolation and loneliness for older people.
Deadline: 31 October. Apply here

Windrush Day Grant Scheme 2025
This scheme focuses on bringing communities together to commemorate, celebrate and educate their local area about the contribution of the Windrush generation and their descendant.
25 November. Read more

Comic Relief Community Fund 
Funding can be used on core organisation costs, direct project-related costs or a combination of both that support your organisation to deliver against any of four areas.
Deadline: 8 November. Apply here

LGBT+ Futures Equity Fund
This fund supports user-led LGBT+ organisations working with targeted under-represented and under-resourced communities.
Deadline: 21 November. Apply here

Start for Life grants 
Hackney Giving is encouraging applications from organisations that can provide families with information about Start for Life, increase registrations for digital and in-person services, and focus on overcoming any stigma associated with accessing Start for Life services.
Deadline extended: 5 November. Apply here

Innovate Now
Innovate Now is offering the practical support and guidance you need to build financial resilience and create real, lasting change in London’s Black and Global Majority communities.
Deadline: 4 December. Apply here 

The UK Fund
The UK Fund offers larger amounts of funding for existing projects that help bring diverse communities together, including those that help children and young people use their voice to influence change.
Deadline: ongoing. Find out more

Fix the Digital Divide Fund
These grants are for existing members of the National Digital Inclusion Network to develop new or existing digital support services or to support people with their digital skills and access to data.
Deadline: ongoing. Read more

Morrisons Grant Funding
This grants programme supports registered charities delivering projects that help to improve people’s lives in communities.
Deadline: ongoing. Apply here

London Catalyst – Partners for Health
Are you working with others to tackle health inequality? This collaborative grants programme encourages partnership working between health agencies, public and charitable, and community groups.
Deadline: tbc. Apply here

Aviva Community Fund
Organisations can receive up to £50,000 in match funding from the Aviva Community Fund. Eligible organisations must have been operating for at least 12 months.
Deadline: ongoing. Read more

A B Charitable Trust
A B Charitable Trust promotes human dignity and defends the human rights of marginalised and excluded people.
Deadline: tbc. Read more

DWF FoundationThe Foundation supports charities that work in areas including homelessness, health, employability, education and the environment.Deadline: tbc. Read more

Thrive TogetherThe Thrive Together Fund from Groundwork provides unrestricted funding of between £25,000-£150,000 to unlock the growth of charities and social enterprises in England. Each package consists of 75% loan and 25% grant.Deadline: none given. Read more

Access Without Limits
Voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations can access up to £10,250 of grant funding, combined with support from our operations teams to set up, launch and deliver their Duke of Edinburgh programme.
Deadline: Ongoing. Read more

Awards for All  
The National Lottery Awards for All programme has changed. You can now apply for up to £20,000 for projects of up to two years in length.
Deadline: ongoing. Apply here

Asda Foundation
As a response to the cost-of-living crisis, Asda Foundation is offering grants of up to £2000 to local community groups following increases in their rent, utility bill and food costs as a result of the cost of living crisis.
Deadline: ongoing. Read more

Aviva Community Fund
Organisations can receive up to £50,000 in match funding from the Aviva Community Fund. Eligible organisations must have been operating for at least 12 months.
Deadline: ongoing. Read more

Biffa Award
Biffa Award gives grants to community projects near landfill sites. They aim to fund projects that build communities and transform lives.
Deadline: Ongoing. Read more

BBC Children in Need – Emergency Essentials
The Emergency Essentials programme supports individual children and young people living with severe poverty, a lack of the basic facilities which most of us take for granted and additional pressures such as domestic violence, disability or poor health in the family.
Deadline: Ongoing. Read more

BBC Children in Need – Project Funding 
Project Costs support the aims and delivery of a specific piece of work. This work will usually be time-limited and based on a defined set of activities.
Deadline: Ongoing. Apply here

Barclays Community Football Fund
The Barclays Community Football Fund, in partnership with Sported, is now open offering £500 grants, free training and exclusive ticket offers to help make football more accessible.
Deadline: None specified. Read more

Bruce Wake Trust
Trustees at the Bruce Wake Trust will consider grant applications related to the provision of leisure activities for disabled people.
Deadline: Ongoing. Read more

City Bridge Foundation
City Bridge Foundation, previously City Bridge Trust, has reopened the programme after a five-month hiatus and an extensive review, and is now taking applications from constituted voluntary organisations as well as registered charities. Read more

Clothworkers Foundation
The Clothworkers Foundation has updated the criteria for their capital Open grants programme, to include other types of digital infrastructure including databases and websites.
Deadline: Ongoing. Read more

Esmee Fairbairn Foundation
Organisations must have an annual income of over £100,000 to apply. The majority of their grants are for three to five years.
Deadline: ongoing. Read more

The Edward Gostling Foundation
The Edward Gostling Foundation provides financial support to charities seeking to create significant and positive change to the lives of disadvantaged people with a long-term illness or impairment.
Deadline: Ongoing. Read more

Energy Saving Trust: Energy Redress Fund
Energy Saving Trust has been appointed to distribute payments from companies that may have breached Ofgem rules. Charities can apply for funds to deliver energy-related projects that meet the scheme’s priorities.
Deadline: None given. Read more

Foyle Foundation 
The Small Grants Scheme is designed to support charities especially those working at grassroots and local community level, in any field, across a wide range of activities. Online applications can be accepted from charities that have an annual turnover of less than £150,000 per annum.
Deadline: Ongoing. Read more

Henry Smith – Improving Lives
The Improving Lives programme provides grants to charitable organisations that help people when other sources of support are not available. They support established organisations delivering services directly to beneficiaries.
Deadline: Ongoing. Read more

Garfield Weston Foundation
Garfield Weston supports a wide range of charities that make a positive difference, working in different sectors in the UK. These include welfare, youth, community, environment, education, health, arts, heritage and faith.
Read more

Growth Impact Fund
The Growth Impact Fund is a social investment fund. They offer businesses investment and provide support with diverse representation at board and leadership level.
No deadline given. Read more

Home Instead
Home Instead funds activities and projects that further the needs of our ageing adult population through well-being activities and programmes to prevent social isolation and loneliness.
Deadline: ongoing. Read more

London Catalyst – Partners for Health
The Partners for Health funding encourages partnership working between health agencies, public and charitable, and community groups. This is co-funded with the Hospital Saturday Fund and other grantmakers.
Deadline: tbc. Read more

Masonic Charitable Foundation’s Children and Young People’s Grants
This programme is open to national and local charities helping disadvantaged children and young people to overcome the challenges they face.
No deadlines. Read more

Morrisons Foundation
The Morrisons Foundation awards grant funding for charity projects which make a positive difference in local communities. In the main grants are available to fully fund projects up to £25,000.
Deadline: Ongoing. Read more

Tesco Community Grants 
Tesco Community Grants are open to charities and community organisations to apply for a grant of up to £1,500. Every three months, three local good causes are selected to be in the blue token customer vote in Tesco stores.
Deadline: Every three months. Read more

National Lottery Community Fund – Reaching Communities
This programme offers funding for organisations that work with their community to help them thrive. They fund projects that work to make positive changes in their community – whether that is for people living in the same area, or people with similar interests or life experiences.
Deadline: Ongoing. Read more

Yapp Charitable Trust
Yapp Charitable Trust offer grants only for core funding to registered charities with a total annual expenditure of less than £40,000 who are undertaking work that focuses on one of their priority groups.
Deadline: ongoing. Read more

Grocer’s Charity Memorial Grant
One-off grants of up to £5,000 are available to small charities young people, older people, health, the arts and heritage.
Deadline: Ongoing. Read more

The True Colours Trust 
The Trust only funds registered charities or activities with clearly defined charitable purposes. Their work is focused on: improving access to palliative care for babies, children and young people in the UK enabling disabled children and young people to live their lives to the full.
Deadline: ongoing. Read more


Hedley Foundation
Grants of up to £5,000 are intended to support smaller charitable organisations undertaking projects for young people, disabled people, terminally ill patients and others in need.
Deadline: tbc. Read more

Woodward Charitable Trust
The Woodward Charitable Trust funds projects that help families and young people and that aim to improve the life chances of their beneficiaries. They fund projects working with children and young people, disadvantaged families and ex-offenders.
Deadline: tbc. Read more



Further information 

  • Grantway is a free, innovative, user-friendly new search portal designed to make it easy for charity and volunteer organisations to find and obtain essential grant funding. Grantway searches funding opportunities from a wide range of sources and updates in real time. They are then compiled in one central location. Input your keywords and set search filters, such as region or organisation type and then review your results as you would with a search engine. Click through to access grant details or apply. Search for grants using applicable keywords and search filters, such as location.