Anti-racist commissioning

Anti-racist commissioning

Hackney CVS has recently received MATCH funding to embed anti-racist commissioning principles to address a chosen health inequality faced by communities in City and Hackney. The five principles are:

Young Black People’s Mental Wealth Fund

The Young Black People’s Mental Wealth Fund will be launched on 7th June and first round of applications will close on 24th June at 11:59pm.

Community members, EPIC Health (formerly VCS Enabler) and City and Hackney Population Health Hub have been working together to develop data and evidence for alternate ways of commissioning to meet community need, and to test the co-developed anti-racist commissioning principles.  

Young Black People’s Mental Wealth fund commissioning process has been developed through the anti-racist commissioning MATCH project workshops, which were delivered between September 2023 and March 2024. We are finalising the details and aim to open the fund in June 2024. We will also open applications for host organisations, and the decision-making panel.  

How you can be involved:

  • Apply for the fund
  • Be a trusted host organisation for an un-constituted group who wants to apply for funding
  • Be a decision maker (panel member)

For more information, please look at our Google Drive.

Click here for the City and Hackney Population Health Hub slidedeck detailing how they are improving the health of the local population.

If you’re interested in joining this programme of work, please contact Kemar Walford or Jessica Lubin:


Our Anti-racist commissioning work has been highlighted by the Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR). Read here.

We supported UKHSA and London Councils to develop ‘A Strategic Framework to Tackling Ethnic Health Inequalities through an Anti-Racist approach’. Read here