Vision, mission, values

About us

Our vision, mission, and values underpin all our work. They are important because they ensure our operations align internally and with those of our stakeholders and partners.

Our Vision
A resourced and resilient voluntary and community sector, able to meet local challenges and tackle inequalities.

Our Mission
To support City and Hackney’s voluntary and community sector to engage and collaborate with each other,
and local decision-makers, and to be respected as equal partners within the local health and care system.

Our Values
– Championing fairness and social justice.
– Being a catalyst for equity, inclusion, and diversity.

What they say

"I'm helping Hackney Giving because the charities they are supporting are doing fantastic work with young people and women"

Ava Vidal, Comedian

Want to get involved?

Find out more about your local charities and community groups.
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