Festive wishes

Hackney CVS would like to wish our members, funders, programme delivery partners, and public sector colleagues a wonderful festive break.

2021 has been another challenging year and I know we all need a well-deserved break!

It’s also been a year that has demonstrated the true value of the voluntary and community sector – where the sector has responded admirably to the challenges of Covid-19 and provided essential services to the most vulnerable in our community.

Highlights from 2021

  • The investment from the Clinical Commissioning Group and Public Health, alongside donations from local residents and businesses, ensured Hackney Giving was able to distribute funds to local VCS organisations – over £1.2 million since the pandemic started.
  • The Connect Hackney programme provided support to hundreds of older people in Hackney to stay socially connected and helped shape local priorities for building on the loneliness and social isolation agenda from 2022 and beyond.
  • The young leaders at Hackney CVS led the way in showing how young people can affect change, such as the work of the Account Group – a youth-led social action project that monitors and scrutinises police activity.
  • We delivered our first two VCS Assemblies, bringing together the whole sector, alongside statutory sector partners to discuss the big challenges facing our communities, working together to develop the solutions to make Hackney a fairer place to live.

I am sure that the Hackney voluntary and community sector will keep on doing all it can to support residents, particularly those who are isolated or struggling through what continues to be a challenging time, relying on the Hackney spirit which has never dampened.

We can feel proud that we enjoy productive partnerships with the NHS, council and other public bodies. It’s these relationships that make Hackney a shining example that other boroughs follow, and that we are trusted to lead with innovation and ambition for great change.

I would like to take this opportunity to also thank the team at Hackney CVS and our trustees who have continued to work extremely hard to ensure we continue to strive to be our best in the work we do.

Finally, a reminder that our User Survey closes on 22 December. We want to hear more about the situation for your organisation and what you think of the Hackney CVS offer. As a thank you for completing the survey your organisation will automatically be entered into a £100 prize draw.

Click here to complete survey

Here’s looking to a successful and productive New Year.

Tony Wong, Chief Executive Officer, Hackney CVS.


Office closure over the festive period 
Hackney CVS will be open until Wednesday 22 December. The office will be closed from Thursday 23 December and will re-open on Tuesday 4 January.