Equality, diversity, inclusion

EDI Key Performance Indicators

Hackney CVS prioritises equality, diversity and inclusion in line with our strategy A Fairer Society 2023 – 2028. We have developed our six EDI KPI’s because we are committed to directly addressing the issues of inequality both within our organisation and externally within the communities that we serve.

The Senior Leadership team have pledged to be accountable to our staff, our communities that live, work or study in City and Hackney, and the voluntary and community sector (VCS) on EDI. We recognise that without accountability, the issues of inequality cannot be properly addressed. Our quarterly EDI workshops and staff forums are a space for our staff to raise any issues of inequality that are important to them. The role of the Senior Leadership Team in the workshops and forums is to listen, to learn and to act.

Human Resources
EDI is embedded in our HR systems. We have updated our recruitment processes to be more inclusive and we ensure that the right people are around the table to interview candidates. Through HR we have established clear lines of accountability and we continue to update our existing policies and procedures and create new policies that are focused on equality and best practice.

We are clear that our workforce has to represent the communities that we serve and that representation of diverse communities is at all levels of Hackney CVS. We recognise that inequality is systemic and our collective responsibility alongside our communities, the VCS in City and Hackney and our statutory partners is to commit to the dismantling of oppressive systems that prevent equal access to opportunities.


1. Hiring

We evaluate our hiring practices and identify the diversity in our applicant pool by; paying attention to the demographic data to ensure we are attracting diverse candidates from various races, gender identities, sexual orientations, religious backgrounds, disabilities and more. Further, our diverse hiring panels prevent bias in our hiring.


2. Representation

We ensure that our staffing at every level of the organisation includes representation from historically underrepresented groups by; using diversity and inclusion surveys to collect employee feedback and data and continuing to monitor and improve our recruitment practices.


3. Retention

We prioritise equality, diversity and inclusion and embed those values into the organisational culture and keep our employees engaged and committed by; monitoring EDI in our employee turnover to tackle any negative trends that may develop.


4. Advancement

We emphasise people development by; the implementation of a core competency framework in our People Development Strategy to develop staff in their roles and for internal and external progression.


5. EDI workshop and staff forum participation

We offer our diverse staff team an opportunity to feed into processes of change and improvement within our organisation by; providing safe spaces in our quarterly EDI workshops and forums and ensure our staff feel a true sense of inclusivity and belonging through our openness and senior management accountability.


6. Accessibility

We see to it that people are at the core of our equality, diversity and inclusion procedures by; accommodating the needs of our staff, with reasonable adjustments. We recognise the challenge we have with accessibility beyond the ground floor and have made this a priority for any future premises which will include consultation with a disability awareness specialist.