Centre for Better Health

Contact details
020 3479 7004

Clients: Mental Health
18+, people looking for routes into work who are residents of the City, Hackney, Tower Hamlets or Islington (other boroughs are also considered)

Skills Development/Volunteering/Employment
Low cost psychotherapy & counselling
Wellbeing hub offers courses: 2 series of approx. 15 courses per year
12 week, 1 day a week placements (work skills training/volunteering)

Choice in Hackney

Contact details
0207613 3206

Clients: Disabled adults with physical, sensory, mental health issues, Learning Disabilities and long-term health conditions.
Disabled people aged 18+ who live in Greater London. Our access criteria is that participants must be disabled people.

Support: Skills development/Volunteering/Employment
Our Advocacy Training & Employment (AT&E) project provides:

  • 13-week classroom-based training on the principles of advocacy.  This is held 1-day per week and includes tuition led by the AT&E Coordinator, written exercises and tests.  Also included are practical exercises on job search skills: writing applications / CVs and interview techniques
  • 12-week+ work placements in the voluntary, statutory and private sectors.  This allows our trainees to get a feeling of the world of work and aids their employment prospects
  • Job coaching via the Work Experience Coach who will provide employment support to current and ex-trainees.   The Coach provides trainees with self-development skills, assists them along their pathway to employment and/or job retention
  • Ongoing support including monthly e-news providing vital information to existing and former trainees on current job vacancies, self-employment and training opportunities.

Hackney Supported Employment

Contact details
020 8356 5700 (and ask for the Supported Employment Team)

Clients: Learning Disability/Mental Health/Visual Impairment
Anyone with a health condition accessing secondary services for health and social care (autism, sensory impairment, learning disability, mental health).

Skills Development/Volunteering/Employment
Unlimited support, it’s a voluntary programme. 1-2-1 appointments, groups and training. Including Hackney lates 5-8pm once a month.


Contact details
020 8458 2223

Clients: Mental Health
Our service users are members of the Jewish community aged 18 who have experienced or are experiencing problems around their mental health.

Support: Skills Development/Volunteering/Employment
We offer a service tailored to the needs of the individual client. We have Social Workers, Peer Support Workers and Occupational Therapists working across the services as well as a strong team of volunteers with varied expertise.

Our range of services include: 1-2-1 and/or practical support. Groups and activities at our hubs and café. We have an educational team that provide training and courses to both Jami and external organisations. We have a vocational team that support service users to gain and sustain vocational activity, education, training, volunteering and employment. We have a Café that offers weekly groups and activities around wellbeing and mental health. We take a holistic approach focussing on health and wellbeing.


Contact details
0208 985 4239

Clients: Mental Health
Clients with mild to moderate mental health issues who are over 25, unemployed and legally entitled to live and work in the UK. IPS Model.

Tackling Multiple Disadvantage Project
Homeless people, over 25 with complex needs (drug and alcohol, criminal justice system, mental health).

Skills Development/Volunteering/Employment
1-2-1 support and workshops. Disclosure, CV writing, job club, mock interviews. Monthly action plan. In work support group (resilience) 6 months once a week/fortnight.

Tackling Multiple Disadvantage Project
1-2-1, group and end to end support as long as it takes. Help sustain people in jobs for 6 months.

Peter Bedford Housing Association

Contact details
0203 815 4100

Clients: Learning Disabilities/Mental Health/Autism Spectrum Disorder
All genders, 18+

Support: Skills Development/Volunteering/Employment
Small group on the job supported volunteering/customer services training. Classroom based basic skills courses in ICT/Money Management.

1-2-1 employability support for those engaged in our services in particular on the job training. IAG (Information Advice and Guidelines) services. Digital literacy support with a dedicated digital champion.

Enrichment sessions on Monday that support individuals with softer outcomes, the focus is on the development of independence, work and learning through creative courses such as Arts & Crafts, Photography, Digital Inclusion and Life-Skills (learning about themselves, their lifestyle and local community).

Commitment time varies depending on the activity – from 1.5hrs one-off IAG session to 2hrs twice a week over 13 weeks. This does not include more longer term programmes.

Shaw Trust

Contact details
0300 30 33 111

Clients: Mental Health
Clients with mild to moderate mental health issues (depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD) who are over 25, not working and legally entitled to live and work in the UK, living in London and not accessing any government employment services, such as Work and Health Programme.

Skills DevelopmentVolunteering/Employment
1-2-1 support, discussion about disclosure, job search and weekly job searching groups. Wellbeing support. In-work support. Unlimited time. Zero exclusion.

Talk Changes IAPT

Contact details
0207683 4278

Clients: Mental Health
Anyone receiving treatment from Talk changes IAPT (anyone with Hackney GP and common mental health problem).

Skills Development/Volunteering/Employment
1-2-1 support and advice to return to, remain or find work.
Time scale depends on individual need.

Volunteer Centre Hackney

Contact details
020 7241 4443

Clients: Mental Health
STEP UP Programme. We work with people with mental health issues, to support them into volunteering and paid employment. Our only criteria is to have mental health support needs.

Skills Development/Volunteering/Employment
1-2-1 support, long term, as long as is needed. Volunteering: support to find, apply and sustain volunteering placements. Goal setting. Action Planning. Employability workshops (group) including CVs, application forms, sourcing vacancies, interview support and volunteer mentors if desired to offer ongoing engagement and support.