Older people’s projects

Our projects

Older People's Projects

The Lunch Clubs

We manage the lunch club contract on behalf of Hackney Council. There are fifteen lunch clubs in Hackney and they all provide good food and fun social activities > read more


Connect Hackney, Ageing Better

Hackney CVS managed Connect Hackney, a £5.8million research project funded by the National Lottery Community Fund as part of their national Ageing Better programme.

Connect Hackney delivered a range of projects and activities that were a chance for Hackney over 50s to meet people, socialise and have fun. Connect Hackney was also about valuing the contributions older people make to society.

One key projects was the Connect Hackney senior media group – where local residents aged 50+ learnt ICT and media skills and produced content for the Hackney Senior magazine – produced by older people for older people.



Power of connections

During the first 7 years of Connect Hackney we learned a lot about tackling isolation and power of social connection. Click here to learn more and see our films.

Our Connect Hackney website remains as a legacy website:



What people are saying

“You will get a lot from offering your help to others, give it a try - you may surprise yourself”

Abigail Omolade, Connect Hackney participant

“You will get a lot from offering your help to others, give it a try - you may surprise yourself”

Abigail Omolade, Connect Hackney participant

“You will get a lot from offering your help to others, give it a try - you may surprise yourself”

Abigail Omolade, Connect Hackney participant