VCS Neighbourhood Forums
The Neighbourhood Forum programme began in 2019 with a successful pilot in the Well Street Common Neighbourhood. The programme, which forms part of the wider Neighbourhoods project, has since been rolled out across the borough and continues to provide structured resident engagement to share information, make connections and coproduce service improvements, with the aim of reducing health inequalities.
Action Groups in each Neighbourhood, which include both professionals and residents, meet regularly to take practical steps to address two agreed health and wellbeing priorities in the local area.
Bi-annual Forums that align with the priorities are held in each Neighbourhood to connect residents with the voluntary and community sector, local authority and health and social care partners. The Forums provide an accessible space to share health and wellbeing information, gather insights, and give residents a stronger voice. Partnerships with Volunteer Centre Hackney and Healthwatch Hackney support resident engagement and collation of local insights and data.
Healthwatch Hackney has a useful events calendar on its website. View events
There are four Neighbourhood Facilitators seconded from VCS organisations to Hackney CVS who each work within two adjacent Neighbourhoods to help bring about system change that positively impacts residents and the services they access.
Get involved
The Neighbourhood Forums give residents and people who work in Hackney a say about how to improve their health and wellbeing, and remove barriers to local health and care services. Neighbourhoods is a great way to connect with others, discover what’s going on in your local area and play an active role in making changes to local services.
Email us to sign up to your local newsletter, and find out what’s going on in your Neighbourhood and how you can get involved.
What is the Neighbourhoods programme?
The Neighbourhoods programme is a place-based way of working that brings together residents, community groups, GP practices, health providers, social care and voluntary sector organisations into eight Neighbourhood areas to work collaboratively on what matters to local people with the aim of reducing health inequalities.
Each Neighbourhood is named after a local green space and includes four to seven GP practices who work as part of a team of local services to coordinate health and social care in the community.
Sign up to our Neighbourhoods newsletters using the links below:
Find out more about Neighbourhoods here.