The Hackney Islington Young Londoners Fund Network is part of the Impact for Youth Offer, which also includes young people’s participation toolkit, evaluation support (Project Oracle), staff training (Partnership for Young London), London Youth Quality Mark and organisation mentoring (on hold).
The HI-YLF Network – made up of Hackney CVS and Voluntary Action Islington operates to:
- Help YLF fund-holders co-ordinate and promote YLF activities to young people in their locality, facilitate multi-agency working and ensure links with existing local activity
- Share good practice between YLF fund-holders
- Undertake training needs analysis with members to shape the wider training programme to be provided by the GLA’s ‘Impact for Youth’ support
- Help generate local community proposals and support potential bidders to YLF Round
- Be youth-led – ensuring that young people are effectively and appropriately engaged in the development and delivery of the networks
- Support YLF fund-holders efforts to develop sustainable business models.