Training and Events

Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

Monitoring and Evaluation Framework: Demonstrating and Evaluating Outputs, Outcomes, and Impact This free half-day masterclass aims to enhance delegates' abilities in showcasing outputs, outcomes and impact by boosting their skills […]

Hackney Marshes Neighbourhood Forum 

The Hackney Marshes Neighbourhood Forum gives local people and professionals a say on how to improve the health and wellbeing of residents. 19 February. Read more

Hackney Refugee and Migrant Forum

Join us for our quarterly Hackney Refugee and Migrant Forum. A light lunch will be provided after the session. 27 February. Book here

Fostering good governance for your organisation

Fostering good governance for your organisation This half-day session will delve into crucial aspects of governance, providing valuable insights into the roles and responsibilities of a governing body. 5 March. Register […]

Hackney coffee and networking morning

Our coffee mornings bring together charities and statutory organisations to share insights and explore partnerships that address health inequalities across Hackney. 6 March. Book here

Chairing effective meetings

This free in-person half-day session will improve your skills and abilities to chair meetings effectively. 12 March. Book here

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020 7923 1962
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