How can you re-open safely? New ways of working. Putting staff wellbeing first
Chaired by Jake Ferguson, CEO at Hackney CVS
Health & Safety Rob Bartlett, Senior Environmental Health Officer at Hackney Council will present on what organisations should be doing to prepare to re-open safely, looking at legislation, the risk assessment process, training & supervision for volunteers and staff, information to service users, and more specific guidance around hand washing, social distancing, occupational health and PPE.
Case studies There will be an opportunity to hear from a few organisations who can share their experience.
Please let us know what you would like to know – email vicky@hcvs.org.uk before the meeting. We will try to answer your questions in the webinar, and there will also be a chance during the session for you to ask questions.
Wellbeing & the wider implications of returning – Vicky Scott, Operations & HR Manager at Hackney CVS will talk about wellbeing and the opportunities for doing things differently after COVID.
Mohammed Mansour, VCS Development Manager at Hackney CVS will talk about wider issues around leadership, funding, safeguarding and Trustee training.
This webinar will be held by Zoom:
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 816 7213 9748
Password: 830528
Book your place here: