Young achiever awards

In memory of Gary Francis

Nominate a young person who has acheived against the odds for an award

Do you know a young Hackney person who has achieved against the odds? How have they excelled and what are their plans for the future?

Tell us on the nomination form below and they could win a 2024 award. (Nominations are considered by a panel of young people and community representatives.)

Award winners will receive a recognition certificate and a cash award of  £150!

Who are the awards for?

  • Young people aged 16 – 25.
  • Young people who live or were born in Hackney.

Nominate here

Nomination deadline: 5pm, Monday 24 June.

Awards will be presented at our summer celebration on Tuesday 16 July at St Mary’s Secret Garden.


Photo gallery of the 2023 awards celebration for young people and community groups


Who was Gary Francis?

Gary was Hackney CVS’s Youth Programmes manager. Over six years he secured nearly £2m for projects working with young people.

Gary was a key figure in the local community and his knowledge and expertise helped to shape the Borough’s approach to tackling youth crime by ensuring a focus on giving young people opportunities to achieve their best.

Sadly, Gary died from cancer in 2012. We hold the annual awards to remember his life and work and to celebrate the achievements of some amazing local young people.

With thanks to our 2024 award sponsor, Qlic IT