Safeguarding commissioner to discuss Child Q case at forum

Safeguarding commissioner to attend forum

Safeguarding commissioner to discuss Child Q case at forum

The VCS Children and Families Forum Meeting takes place on 20 April 2022 from 2 to 4pm.

The forum is scheduled to take place in-person at Hackney CVS’s conference room – although it may be transferred to an online meeting, depending on the number of participants who register.

Jim Gamble, the Independent Child Safeguarding Commissioner, will attend this meeting with his colleagues to talk about Child Q and is keen to hear your concerns about safeguarding children.

We encourage all voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations that work with young children and families to attend this quarterly meeting. Participants at the forum will:

  • Hear updates on Children and Young People’s service offer in Hackney.
  • Discuss any safeguarding concerns/issues around children and young people.
  • Updates on funding opportunities.
  • Details of upcoming training.
  • Opportunities to network with colleagues working within the children and families sector.

Register your interest to attend this meeting.

A full agenda will be shared with all registered members nearer to the date of the meeting.