20 years in words and pictures

Jake Ferguson, CEO Hackney CVS:

"Adiaha Antigha, our former director, taught me a lot about inequality and with this in mind we continue to focus our work on helping to make Hackney a fairer place."

“Hackney CVS was formally established in 1997, making 2017 our 20th year of operation. From our humble beginnings in the Print House on Ashwin Street to a multimillion pound organisation, Hackney CVS has always championed the rights and needs of the underdog

Hackney wasn’t always a place of harmonious partnership working and it’s testament to the tenacity of the local voluntary sector that the good relationships which we worked so hard to build are sustained even in tough times. As we continue to work positively with each other, the public sector and the wider population, Hackney CVS is proud to have played our part in helping to maintain good working relationships and a focus on local people and communities most in need.

We are rightly proud of our achievements but we would not have been able to do so much without the commitment of staff past and present, the support and guidance of trustees, the funders who have invested in us, our partners in the public sector and business, and of course the local voluntary and community sector which has consistently helped shape our approach.”


Read the brochure here.