Create Your Future

Our Projects

Helping BAME women to gain new skills

Create Your Future is a pre-employment project for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) women who are not working and not studying.

This project is part of the Building Better Opportunities programme (BBO) which is funded by The Big Lottery Fund and European Social Fund; supporting projects in England to tackle poverty and promote social inclusion.

Former Programme Coordinator, Maxine Collins, recognises the barriers long-term unemployed BAME women face, such as social isolation, and is working in partnership with community organisations to offer a holistic and engaging programme of activities at various venues around Hackney.

Create Your Future in Hackney is unique because we are not just another employment programme. We want to help women take steps towards gaining independence, increasing confidence, building networks and exploring different career options.

We have listened to the women in Hackney who have told us their needs and in turn that has helped to shape a relevant programme. By providing a range of experiences, from creative workshops, 1:1 coaching, social events to accredited courses, we hope participants will be better equipped to finding work that is meaningful to them.

Read an interview!

“What’s Your Story?” is an employability skills course run by Immediate Theatre under the Create Your Future programme. We spoke to Gbenga Olopade from Immediate Theatre to find out about their recent film-making workshops.

Read an interview here.

Watch a video!

Hackney CVS and Peabody Housing held an International Women’s Day event on 7 March to bring together local women to celebrate their experiences and achievements.

Watch a short video from this event here

See photos!

Celebration and Next Steps Event

Creative Lifestyle – cake baking and decorating workshop

Listen to a podcast!

Maxine Collins, former Programme Coordinator of Create Your Future in Hackney, leads a conversation about how Create Your Future is helping older BAME women. Other voices belong to Deolinda, Jennifer, Rick and Sandra.

Listen to the podcast here.

Read personal stories!

Our participants have learnt a lot about their skillset whilst being on the Create Your Future Programme.

Read the interview with Klud and Shamima here.

Past courses and events:

What’s your story?

Personal Development Workshops

Essential Skills for Business (accredited by OCR)

Teen troopers

Sewing for Kurdish and Turkish women

Work experience

Digital skills

Work skills

English my way

Business start up skills

Herbal craft

Cake baking and decorating

One to one life coaching sessions

What’s your story?

Functional Skills English E3 with L1 Employability Skills

IT Course Level 1

International Women’s Day event

Get Ready to Work

Start your own business

Control your cash

Recognise your potential

Activate your Career job club

Pathways into Playwork

Explore your career options – taster workshop

Lip Balm Making




This project is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund and European Social Fund who support projects in England that tackle poverty and promote social inclusion.



"We want unemployed BAMER women to benefit from our holistically designed programmes that will offer a chance to gain independence, increase confidence, explore career options, build networks and work towards career aspirations."

"We want unemployed BAMER women to benefit from our holistically designed programmes that will offer a chance to gain independence, increase confidence, explore career options, build networks and work towards career aspirations."

"We want unemployed BAMER women to benefit from our holistically designed programmes that will offer a chance to gain independence, increase confidence, explore career options, build networks and work towards career aspirations."