We're ageing better together

Connect Hackney survey

It’s not always easy to keep up a good social life after the age of 50.

Sometimes things happen that can make it harder to spend time with others as you get older. Connect Hackney is running a survey of local over 50s and would like to hear from you!

If you’re aged 50-plus and live in Hackney, tell Connect Hackney what helps you stay active and spend time with other people, doing the things you enjoy – and what makes it more difficult.

By sharing your ideas and experiences, you’ll help the team to design new projects giving older people the chance to get involved in activities that can help them keep in touch with others and feel part of things. We want to test out new approaches to helping people avoid loneliness and isolation as they get older.

And by taking part in the survey, you will have a chance to win one of four £50 Love To Shop vouchers.

>> Fill in the survey here

All survey responses will remain anonymous. The information from everyone’s responses will be pulled together to give an overall picture of people’s views. The survey will close at 5pm on 5 October 2017.

To find out more – or if you know someone who would like to receive a paper copy of the survey through the post – please contact Kim-Lien Ong on either 020 7923 1962 or kim-lien@connecthackney.org.uk

Connect Hackney is managed by Hackney CVS. It is funded by the Big Lottery Fund as part of their Ageing Better programme.


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