Community groups are being encouraged to join the Match My Project online platform to help secure resources from businesses.
Hackney Giving, a giving scheme run by Hackney CVS, is working in collaboration with Match My Project.
So far, the online platform has already matched 14 projects with donations from businesses.
Businesses have provided local community organisations with resources to deliver their work more effectively. These donations have been distributed to community organisations that need them.
Examples of the donations include:
Tamara Wiltshire, Community Giving and Partnerships Coordinator at Hackney Giving, said: “Match My Project is going well! Community organisations are posting their projects and suppliers are supporting them. There has been 14 successful matches so far and we anticipate that this matchmaking platform will continue to grow, improve, and deliver meaningful impact in Hackney.”
Tamara added: “The matches that were made over the Christmas were great because they happened under such rushed conditions. Community organisations having just learned about the platform signed up in late November and made requests with no real expectations. However, suppliers exceeded expectations and supported two Christmas parties and contributed to the purchase of Christmas hamper parcels! A true Christmas story.”
If you’d like to benefit from Match My Project, either as a community group seeking support or as a business with something to give, you can sign up using the link below.
Information for businesses