Our projects

Hackney Lunch Clubs

Hackney Lunch Clubs Network – Annual Impact Report 2023

  • Learn about the role that social connection, exercise and nutrition have on our health as we age.

  • Discover how our network of lunch clubs in Hackney support older residents from diverse cultural backgrounds in their lives as they age beyond 55.

  • Understand the vital impact that our lunch clubs play on the health and wellbeing of those attending.

The report focuses on 4 key areas of discussion: social connection, nutrition and food, culture and heritage, mental and physical health.

2023 was a positive year for the lunch clubs network. We hosted a training for all lunch club kitchen staff on nutrition for older people. We collaborated with TripSpace Yoga and Dance to offer free of charge Supple Balance Yoga classes at 4 lunch clubs (thanks to additional funding from LB Hackney). Hackney Council extended the contract for an additional year.

Hackney Lunch Clubs Network is a vibrant network of lunch clubs serving nutritious meals to Hackney residents aged 55+

Click here for a printable list of our lunch clubs.*

There are 12 Lunch Clubs serving lunch to Hackney’s diverse communities. Our clubs help to decrease isolation, increase social connection as well as improving health and wellbeing.

Food is central to the lunch clubs but it’s not just about lunch!

Eat healthy food

Our Lunch Clubs offer:
• Nutritious healthy two course lunches at affordable prices
• Health and wellbeing sessions
• Movement and fitness classes
• Leisure activities
• Local cultural outings, walks in the park and trips to the seaside
• Advice and support services

Some of the activities may incur a small additional charge to the meal

Many older people have been impacted by the pandemic and are now being hit by increasing fuel and food costs. Hackney’s lunch clubs are more important than ever; providing warmth, food and connection.

Our Lunch Clubs:

Chats Lunch Club (Thursday)
Clapton Park Methodist Church, 99 Chatsworth Road, London E5 0LH
Lunch served: 1.30-2pm, Thursdays.
£5 lunch only/£6 lunch + exercise/annual membership £20 (optional)
Drop-in. 07852-572-096 | chatslunchclub@yahoo.co.uk
Exercise classes on Mondays and Thursdays from 11am.

Hackney Caribbean Elderly Organisation (Tuesday-Thursday)
39 Leswin Road, London N16 7NX
Lunch served: 1-2pm, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
£5 for lunch/annual membership £15
Book ahead. 020 7923 3536 | info@hackneycaribbean.org.uk

East and Southeast Asian Community Centre (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
Chinese/ Vietnamese
12-14 Englefield Road, London N1 4LS
Lunch served: 12.30-1pm, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (from Monday 7th October)
£3 for members 55+/£10 for members under 55/£12 for non-members/annual membership £10
Book ahead. 07955-834-748 |info@hackneychinese.org.uk

Hackney Cypriot Association (Tuesday-Friday)
5 Balls Pond Road, London, N1 4AX
Lunch served: 12-2pm, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
£5 for lunch/no annual membership fee
Drop in. 0207 254 7920 | hackneycypriotassoc@gmail.com
Exercise classes on Fridays from 11am

Halkevi (Monday, Wednesday)
31-33 Dalston Lane, London E8 3DF
Lunch served: 12.30-2pm, Mondays and Wednesdays
FREE LUNCH for members/£5 for non-members/annual membership £20
Drop in. 020 7249 8855 | halkeviuk@googlemail.com

Holly Street Luncheon Club (Tuesday-Thursday)
Marie Lloyd Centre, 329-331 Queensbridge Road, London E8 3LA
Lunch served: 12.30-2pm, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
£4.50 for lunch/weekly membership £1
Book ahead. 07831-583-343 | hs.lunchclub@aol.com

Hot Line Meals Lunch Club (Sunday-Thursday)
Jewish (Kosher)
Schonfeld Square Care Home, N16 0QQ
Lunch served: 12-1.30pm, Sunday to Thursday
£4.50 for lunch (care home residents only)
Care home residents only. 020 8800 0414 | info@hotlinemeals.org.uk

Lunch Up, Woodberry Down Luncheon Club (Tuesday)
Redmond Community Centre, Kayani Ave, Woodberry Down, N4 2HF
Lunch served: 12.30-2pm, Tuesdays
£4.90 for lunch/no annual membership fee
Book ahead. 020 8802 7580 / 07804-693-461 | lunchup347@gmail.com

Nightingale Luncheon Club (Monday-Friday)
19 Olympus Square Nightingale Estate, London E5 8DS
Lunch served: 12.00-1.30pm, Monday-Friday
£4 for lunch (2 courses + tea/coffee)/annual membership £20 (38p a week)
Book ahead. 020 8985 1309 | noreen.nightingaleclub@gmail.com

North London Muslim Community Centre (Tuesday, Wednesday)
Muslim, South Asian
66-68 Cazenove Road, London N16 6AA
Lunch served: Men’s group (Wednesday): 1.45-4pm (summer) 1.15-3.30pm (winter). Ladies group (Tuesday): 1-3pm.
£100 annual membership which covers all lunches for the year. £50 for ladies group (meets fortnightly)
Book ahead (membership). 020 8806 1147 ex4 | admin@nlmcc.org.uk

Centre 151 – VLC Pho Club (Wednesday, Saturday)
Centre 151, 151 Whiston Road, London E2 8GU
Lunch served: 12-1pm, Wednesdays and Saturdays
£5 for members/£8 for non-members/annual membership £10
Drop in. 020 7739 3650 | vietnamlaocambodia@yahoo.co.uk

You can view our lunch club booklet here.

Click here for a printable list of our lunch clubs.*

* Does not include Hot Line Meals which serves care home residents only.

For general information about the lunch club programme please contact Rachel.

Hackney CVS manages the contract for Hackney’s Lunch Clubs for Hackney Council.

Hackney has a number of lunch clubs that are not part of the London Borough of Hackney contract. These clubs are not officially part of the Hackney Lunch Clubs Network but do also serve warm meals to residents of Hackney over 55 years of age.

Our list below of other clubs for older people in Hackney is not exhaustive:


Uprising Community Club (Monday)
The Ark Suite, Cricketfield Road, Clapton, E5 8NS
Mondays, 11am-4pm – Friendship, fun and wellbeing for over 50s
07939-452-497 | uprisingcommunityclub@gmail.com

“Monday Munch” – lunch club and more (Monday)
Frampton Park Baptist Church, Frampton Park Road, London E9 7PQ
11am: seated exercise. 12-1pm: FREE freshly cooked lunch.
1-4pm: warm space offering tea/coffee and board games. Offered in partnership with Hackney Quest (family support).
Contact: marisa@hackneyquest.org.uk

Gascoyne 1 Lunch Club (Tuesday)
Gascoyne 1 Community Centre, Gascoyne Road, Hackney Wick, London E9 7FA
Lunch served 1-2pm. Doors open 11am. Three-course meal is free. Drop-in Lunch Club.
07774-930-516 | info@gascoynecommunitycentre.org

Gascoyne 2 Lunch Club (Wednesday)
Gascoyne 2 Hall, Wick Road, E9 5AY
Lunch served 12 noon. Join us every Wednesday for a friendly community meal.
To join, contact Polly on 07482-320-992, or just drop in.

The Posh Club, Hackney
St Paul’s Church Hall, West Hackney, Stoke Newington Road N16 7UY
Last Wednesday of every month | 12-3pm | £10
Includes food, bubbly and live entertainment. Cabaret, afternoon tea and dancing at the fanciest and rowdiest club for the over 60s in East London.
Booking essential: 07366-541-903 or online theposhclub.co.uk/tickets  Email: hackney@theposhclub.co.uk

Afro Carib Seniors (Thursday)

AFRIDAC Centre, 243 Lower Clapton Road E5 8EG
Every last Thursday of the month. 12:30-2:30pm
Join us for an afternoon of refreshments, drinks, bingo with prizes, exercise, health talks, meet new friends.
For more information, call or text Coral on 07852-769-120 or email info@afridac.org

All Ages Community Cafe (Thursday)
The Old School Rooms, Round Chapel, 2 Powerscroft Road, London E5 0PU
Thursdays, 12-2pm – Affordable, veggie lunch, coffee & cake (£3 for lunch)
Email: fiona@theroundchapel.org.uk

Irish Elders Lunch Club (Thursday)
Irish Elders Cultural Centre, St Thomas More Hall, 9 Henry Road, London N4 2LH
Thursdays, 1-3.30pm – £3 for a 2 course meal plus as much tea as people would like.
Hosted by the Irish community and St Thomas More parish and open to all.
Email: nora@irishelders.org.uk

Carib Eats Canteen (Friday)

Dalston Lane Community Centre, Lewis Place, Dalston E8 1NU
Canteen 12-3pm, meal served at 1pm
A space where we bring people together: To Connect, To Chat, To Cook
Email: caribeatslondon@gmail.com

Friday Lunch Club, Hackney Showroom (Friday)
4 Murrain Road, Kings Crescent Estate, London N4 2BN
Fridays | 12-2pm | FREE (drop in)
For more information please call: 020 3095 9747. Email: hello@hackneyshowroom.com

Prideaux House Lunch Club (Friday)
10 Church Crescent, London E9 7DL
Meets every Friday from 12 to 3pm. Lunch costs £5.
We welcome over 55s wanting to get out and socialise over a two course meal.
Call 020 986 6000 for more information. Buses 277 and 425 towards Mile End pass our door.

HOPE at Morningside Community Lunch (Friday)
Morningside Community Centre, Cresset Road, Hackney E9 6SJ
Lunch served 1-2pm (free of charge). Chair-based exercise 11am-12.30pm. BINGO after lunch.
For more information please call 07958-771-953 or email info@hopeatmorningside.org

St Mary of Eton Community Lunch (Friday)
Eastway, Hackney E9 5JN (1 stop before bus garage)
Seated exercise class at 11am. 3 course lunch 12-1pm FREE OF CHARGE. All welcome!
Contact Polly.Mann@WickAward.co.uk to book your place, or just turn up at 12pm


Hackney Brocals (Monday)

Well Space Community, 241 Well Street, London E9 6RG
Mondays 2-3.30pm
Phone: 07498-396-233 or 020 8533 0951 | Email: brocals@hackneycarers.org.uk

Friends of Woodberry Down (Tuesday)

The Edge Youth Hub, 7 Woodberry Grove, Woodberry Down, London N4 1SN
Tuesdays, 10am-1pm – Over 50s coffee and activity morning. “Meet your neighbours and have fun” for £2
Call 07876-345-457 (Amanda), 07879-793-765 (Samantha), 07931-841-024 (Liz) or email friendsofwoodberrydown@gmail.com

The Palace Club (Tuesday)
Chats Palace Arts Centre, 42-44 Brooksby’s Walk, London E9 6DF
Every Tuesday morning from 11 January 2022 | 10am-1pm. FREE to Hackney residents over 65 years of age.  Just drop in or give us a call at 0208 533 0227/email us at projects@chatspalace.com

‘The Overs’ (Wednesday)
Kingsmead Community Centre, 8-9 Kingsmead Way, London E9 5QG
Wednesdays, 5.30-9pm
Weekly Social Get Together For Over 50’s

Hackney Dudes (Friday)
Dalston Curve Garden, 13 Dalston Lane, London E8 3DF
Fridays, 11am-1pm – FREE Friday morning social group for men aged 50+
Often full to capacity so please call first for details on 07957-342-098 or email vicky.harrison@mrsindependentliving.org for more information.

"The 3 course meals are nutritious healthy and meet my dietary needs."

Chats Lunch Club attendee

"Lunch Club supported me to eat more healthily and to experience the health and wellbeing benefits of eating with others."

VLC Pho Club attendee

"This Luncheon Club is absolutely marvellous, I am so grateful that I get to have my lunch every day with a really lovely bunch of people."

Nightingale Luncheon Club attendee

"Making friends at the club has enhanced my confidence and wellbeing."

Chats Lunch Club attendee

"The 3 course meals are nutritious healthy and meet my dietary needs."

Chats Lunch Club attendee

"Lunch Club supported me to eat more healthily and to experience the health and wellbeing benefits of eating with others."

VLC Pho Club attendee