Making Every Contact Count is a model to help frontline workers to have brief conversations with services users and members of the public about positive changes to health and wellbeing.
Making Every Contact Count is about using every appropriate opportunity to encourage people to consider, and feel positive about, making changes to improve their wellbeing.
At this FREE training, learn how to maximise the interactions you have with the public and identify appropriate opportunities during these interactions to have brief healthy conversations that promote positive change.
The training covers the healthy lifestyle behaviours as well as the wider issues that affect people’s lives such as employment, immigration, housing, domestic violence and social isolation.
This bespoke training is for all frontline staff (including volunteers) and will equip you with the core skills, knowledge and confidence to deliver behaviour change interventions through effective conversations and signposting to relevant local services. It’s about connecting the public to local support, helping people better self-care and using the appropriate language to do this effectively.