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11 October 2018 @ 18:00 - 20:00

From Centerprise Bookshop to Sheba Feminist Press, Hackney has a long history of local people organising to support and promote African and Caribbean writers and narratives.

Hackney Black Women Writers Group formed in Hackney Museum early this year. Join us on Thursday 11th October for a peer support session where we will be creating and refining work to perform at our first public showcase in October. The peer support session will be focused on sharing and critiquing work, practicing delivery, confidence building, and test running work for the open mic night.

Bring your own short written pieces to share and find out how you can get involved…

Are you a local Black woman writer interested in joining the group? Email emma.winch@hackney.gov.uk to find out more.

Want to get involved?

020 7923 1962
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