The Programme
Hackney CVS has secured a partnership with WEA (Workers’ Educational Association) that will double the amount of ESOL provision in the borough.
WEA have received funding to work across the UK in 10 boroughs to deliver the Together We Learn programme, including Hackney.
WEA are looking to work with community partners who can host and support sessions of 32 hours in total.
WEA will provide the tutor and all classroom materials, and may be able to contribute to childcare costs for participants. If you have tutors already WEA may be able to engage them to work at your location. They aim for 14 students per class.
WEA can pay community partners who can gather a group of 14 people £240 for outreach and up to £15 per hour for room hire. Community Partners will be asked to provide a consistent volunteer to support the sessions. WEA can provide mentoring and support to the volunteers on the project.
This is an introductory programme aimed at people with little or no English (pre or ESOL level 1) and is open to all people fitting that criteria no matter what their borough of residence so long as the classes take place in Hackney.
Participants are not required to show evidence of nationality or right to remain and the programme is aimed at people with little or no English as an introduction to build their confidence to progress to more formal